What’s a better way to get into DIYing vape juice than a list of popular recipes for vapor juice to work with? Such mixtures are commonly considered to be some of the best DIY recipes without the use of exotic and aromatic ingredients. Besides this, they are made by professional mixers who can make the most of any taste without overdoing it. The collection contains six original e-liquid recipes and the three clones of famous remixes for commercial purposes. Everyone’s flavoring suggests cover all bases of each vape flavor concentrate, but if you’d like a full overview of why and how each flavor is used, almost all of the recipes come with notes from their developers. Do you want to be prepared before you delve into the actual mixing? You can skip to the last part of the guide where you’ll find the many flavorings you’ll need to make all the recipes included in this list! Source:https://e-liquid-recipes.com/ Recipe Author Time Rating Mama Melons (Inspired by Monster/Mega Melon) Jennifer Jarvis Dec 22. 2016, 03:54 (69) DaMomma’s RY4 Delight Alisa May 24. 2016, 14:10 (52) Frosted Flakes by Shroomy Shroomalistic Jan 14. 2016, 18:50 (57) Goofy’s Juice Stafylidis Vladimiros May 4. 2017, 22:06 (281) Bust-a-Nut Alisa Feb 20. 2015, 05:11 (384)…